Can Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Benefit Your Eyes?


It can be hard to get all the nutrients you need to keep your eyes healthy, especially if you can't always follow a healthy diet. Some supplements, such as Omega-3 fatty acid, have been shown to have a positive impact on the health of your eyes. While no supplement can claim to actually cure disease, ones like Omega-3 may be able to guard or reduce the chance of your eyes getting certain diseases. Here is more information on what this supplement does, where you can find it, and what studies have been done in relation to eye health.

What is Omega-3 fatty acid?

Omega-3 fatty acid, also known as alpha-linolenic acid, is essential for our health and can only be obtained by sources outside the body. It has been shown to have a positive effect on many different health conditions. This acid is also known to help with inflammatory issues such as asthma and allergies. Taking Omega-3 should be done in counter-balance to the amount of Omega-6 fatty acid in the diet in order to keep inflammation to a minimum. Omega-6 acid is found in many processed foods and some refined vegetable oils which are common in the American diet.

How does Omega-3 fatty acid help the eyes?

Several studies have been done which have indicated that Omega-3 fatty acid may greatly reduce the risk of age-related conditions. One study done by Harvard professor Lois Smith, M.D., Ph.D, claims that this supplement can help with blood vessel abnormalities in the retina. Several other studies have indicated that Omega-3 fatty acid has a great effect on those with dry eye syndrome. It may also help, to some degree, lower the risk of macular degeneration, though studies are still going on with that health condition.

How can someone get Omega-3 fatty acid?

The best way to get it is through your dGood work! Your article has been accepted at 4 stars. In the future, please focus on taking a creative approach, proofreading, and strengthening your authority and expertise.iet. Foods such as fatty fish, like salmon and other marine fish, as well as nuts, flax seeds and leafy greens all have some Omega-3 acids. However, it is possible to get it through supplements. Supplements like these aren't regulated by the FDA, so the amounts and percentages of Omega-3 fatty acid can vary from product to product. There is also no recommended amount specifically needed to keep your eyes healthy, though Mercola has a web page with some suggested amounts.

Omega-3 fatty acid is something everyone needs to take for good overall health, but most people aren't getting enough of the needed supplement in their diets. It has been shown to be promising when it comes to keep your eyes healthy, especially as you get older. In addition to seeing your eye doctor for your yearly exams, talk to him or her about whether Omega-3 fatty acid can help your eyes.


2 August 2017

All about Your Eyeglasses Options

I began wearing eyeglasses at a young age, but as a child and teenager, when it came time to choose a new pair every year after my annual eye exam, my parents always let me choose the style and then chose the lens coatings and other options for me before they ordered them. After I moved out on my own as an adult and went to my eye exam and picked out my glasses alone, I was so overwhelmed by all of my glasses options that I had to call my parents for advice! Since then, I have dedicated myself to learning all about eyeglasses, so I can make the best choices on my own without my parents help. I have learned a lot about them and want to share what I have learned with others on a blog! I hope I can help you make the best eyeglasses decision!