Tips For Buying Your First Pair Of Prescription Glasses


Living with poor vision, whether you're nearsighted or farsighted, can be a big hassle. If you have not been seeing clearly, your best bet is to make an appointment to see an eye doctor so you can have an eye exam. After you complete the exam and your eye doctor determines what lens prescription you need for each eye, it will be time to purchase your first pair of glasses. Some people may feel overwhelmed or intimidated when buying a pair of prescription glasses, but the process does not have to be stressful. Use the following tips to help you purchase your first pair of prescription eyeglasses:

Invest in Quality Lenses

It is always a good idea to look at your prescription glasses as an important investment that helps you see clearly. When you buy glasses, the first thing you will need to decide is which lenses to have placed in the frames that you choose. There are a variety of lenses available, but it is always a good idea to select high-quality lenses that have a protective coating. High-quality lenses may cost a bit more than other options that may be available, but they are also more likely to last much longer, so you can actually save money in the long run since you won't have to replace your prescription lenses as often.

Try on Frames in Person

While there are many online retailers that sell prescription glasses, when you're buying your first pair it is always a good idea to try on frames in person. Many eye doctors offer a wide variety of frames, including designer prescription glasses, so you will have a large variety to choose from. Trying frames on in person will give you the opportunity to try out different styles and determine which frames look the best on your face.

Consider Comfort

If you learn that you will need to wear your prescription glasses most of the day, selecting a pair that is very comfortable is essential. Take your time when trying on frames, and pay close attention to how they feel. It is a good idea to choose a lightweight pair of glasses for everyday wear. You will also want to make sure that the frames are not too tight on the bridge of your nose and that the glasses don't irritate your ears. Taking the time to find a comfortable pair of glasses is one of the best things that you can do. 

For more information about glasses, contact a company like SouthPark Optical Center.


20 November 2019

All about Your Eyeglasses Options

I began wearing eyeglasses at a young age, but as a child and teenager, when it came time to choose a new pair every year after my annual eye exam, my parents always let me choose the style and then chose the lens coatings and other options for me before they ordered them. After I moved out on my own as an adult and went to my eye exam and picked out my glasses alone, I was so overwhelmed by all of my glasses options that I had to call my parents for advice! Since then, I have dedicated myself to learning all about eyeglasses, so I can make the best choices on my own without my parents help. I have learned a lot about them and want to share what I have learned with others on a blog! I hope I can help you make the best eyeglasses decision!