Why Wear Blue Light Glasses?


Many people spend all day looking at a computer screen. People use computers at work then come home and look at their television, laptop, or phone screen. Electronic devices emit blue light which can cause problems over time. Fortunately, blue light glasses can filter out harmful blue light. Here are a few benefits to wearing blue light glasses.

1. Reduce eye strain.

Blue light can cause eye strain. As you look at your screen, your eyes are subjected to a lot of bright blue light. After a few hours, you may find that you have trouble focusing on the words you're seeing. You may find yourself with daily headaches due to eye strain. Blue light glasses can filter out blue light, which will reduce eye strain. You can also help your eyes by taking frequent breaks to look at something else in the room for several seconds.

2. Fight off fatigue.

Blue light can also increase your overall fatigue. Eye strain and the dryness that comes from excessive blue light may make you feel tired. This can be a big problem if you still have work to do. Blue light glasses will allow you to fight off fatigue. Wear blue light glasses in place of ordinary reading glasses, and you'll be able to focus for longer periods of time without needing a nap.

3. Protect your vision.

Excess blue light can damage your vision over time. Subjecting your eyes to bright lights can make you more likely to suffer from macular degeneration as you get older. Blue light comes from electronic devices, but it is also emitted by fluorescent lights that are commonly found in schools and workplaces. You can protect your vision by wearing blue light glasses whenever you're indoors. Just as sunglasses protect your eyes from the glare of the sun, blue light glasses can protect your eyes from artificial sources of light.

4. Regulate your sleep patterns.

You can use blue light glasses to regulate your sleep patterns. Blue light can contribute to insomnia because it prevents your brain from producing the hormone that signals that it's time to go to sleep. Experts often suggest reducing electronic use before bedtime, but this isn't always a viable option. If you need to use your phone or computer but still want to be able to sleep, give light-filtering glasses a try. You may find that you fall asleep faster.


15 April 2020

All about Your Eyeglasses Options

I began wearing eyeglasses at a young age, but as a child and teenager, when it came time to choose a new pair every year after my annual eye exam, my parents always let me choose the style and then chose the lens coatings and other options for me before they ordered them. After I moved out on my own as an adult and went to my eye exam and picked out my glasses alone, I was so overwhelmed by all of my glasses options that I had to call my parents for advice! Since then, I have dedicated myself to learning all about eyeglasses, so I can make the best choices on my own without my parents help. I have learned a lot about them and want to share what I have learned with others on a blog! I hope I can help you make the best eyeglasses decision!